Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So Nathan and Kristin inspired me to attempt to make a blog relating to our vacation back in 2009 to the Northwest United States.  That was some time ago, but I was working on a journal for the trip anyway and thought it might be a great way to organize my thoughts in a way that would be easier to share with friends and family.

You may be wondering about the title.  Quite frankly, I didn't feel like taking the time to come up with anything else, and I've always liked the phrase "European Sevens".  It's like some kind of mundane item slapped with a hefty dose of pizzazz and class.  Which is a bit like how I feel sometimes.  So there you are.

At any rate, I hope to go through our trip day by day until it is all on here.  I may do half days because there was a lot involved in that trip, and I'm not good at cutting things out.

So, on behalf of the rest of my WONDERFUL family, thanks for coming by!

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