Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 7: July 10, 2009

It took us some time to get ready to leave on day 7 (second day in Glacier).  We had a great breakfast and decided to head across the park to see the Saint Mary area.  Our drive across was in better weather than our previous day's journey to Logan Pass.  Across the pass we ran into a bear jam, and finally saw what appeared to be a Black Bear a very long ways off the road.  We made it through and got to the Saint Mary Visitor Center.

You probably can't see it, but there is in fact a Black Bear in this picture.
  We spent a large amount of time at the Saint Mary Visitors' Center.  Jacob, Nathan, and Grandpa Gary were waiting on the rangers to get back from lunch so we could get a back country camping permit.  They did have a very  nice relief map with all the trails on it so we could see that it was NOT a good idea to try the trail up over Triple Divide Pass like Jacob wanted to do.  We decided on the remote trail to Upper Kintla Lake.  We did finally get our permit and headed down toward Two Medicine.

To get to Two Medicine, a person has to leave the park and then head back into the park.  Two Medicine was once the most visited part of the park due to the relative ease of getting there.  On our way back into the park toward Two Medicine, we stopped at Running Eagle Falls to take a very nice nature trail there.  It was one of the most amazing water falls we have ever seen.  It is refererred to sometimes as Trick Falls.  The trail is easy and beautiful, and there are many wild flowers along it as well.

Mason and Megan in front of Running Eagle Falls

Nathan, Kristin, Grandpa Gary, and Brynn looking at Running Eagle Falls

Nathan and Kristin on the trail, and maybe others up ahead.
After that hike we went on to Two Medicine Lake.  Grandpa Gary offered to pay for Nathan, Kristin, Jacob, and Megan to take a lake boat tour while he and Grandma Becky watched the kids.  So they went into the store while the rest got on the boat.  They had some huckleberry ice cream and some other treats while the tour was going on.

The tour was really cool.  Two Medicine Lake hasn't had a glacier feeding it for at least 50 years, and they can tell because of the lack of glacial sediment.  We saw some really nice views of mountains, meadows of Bear Grass, waterfalls, and even a frequently seen Mountain Goat high up on the steep side of Mount Sinopah (8271 feet).  We also learned that Bear Grass got its name when Louis (from the Louis and Clark expidition) saw a very large quantity of it in a meadow with a bear.

Back on land, we met back up with the others and headed out.  We saw a black bear right next to the road, but didn't get any really good pictures of it.  We also stopped and took a hike along another trail to a waterfall, but we can't remember the name.

Grandpa Gary and Brynn heading into the store

Megan and Jacob in front of Two Medicine Lake.  The main mountain in the picture is Mount Sinopah, and Rising Wolf Mountain can be seen...rising...to off camera on the right.

Grandma Becky, Grandpa Gary, Mason, and Brynn waving in the store.

It was supposed to be a nice picture....

Mountains south of the lake

A waterfall off Rising Wolf Mountain and a meadow full of bear grass

Mount Sinopah behind us on our way back

Grandpa Gary, Mason, and Brynn looking at "the other waterfall".  Mason was a bit too eager and we worried about him some.

A Black Bear in the trees.
From there we decided to all drive down around the south end of the park to see East Glacier.  East Glacier was beautiful.  After spending some time wondering the lodge and admiring the gardens, we went on back to Lake McDonald.  They had a lot of amazing Columbine at East Glacier (Jacob's favorite).

Grandpa Gary and Grandma Becky bought everyone pizza at Lake McDonald so we could get to bed and get an early start for our hike to Upper Kintla Lake the next day. The evening would have been good for a hot dog roast too though, it was beautiful.  And no rain.

East Glacier Lodge

Flowers in the gardens
Some of the Columbine
Mason in a teepee

Sunset over Lake McDonald

A wonderful ending to a wonderful day